OffshoreExecutive.com endorsements
may be a relatively new phenomenon, but outsourcing is a win-win strategy
that always works. Don't take our word for it, many other people agree:
- "Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade ...
More things are tradable than were tradable in the past. And that's
a good thing." -- Gregory Mankiw, chairman of the President's Council of
Economic Advisors
- "We should be investing in competitiveness, not protectionism,
there is never any future in sticking our head in the sand and
pretending the competition that exists is not there."
-- Carly Fiorina, HP CEO
- "There is no job that is America's God-given right anymore"
-- Carly Fiorina, HP CEO
- "The [low] number of IT graduates in the U.S. is an alarming trend"
-- Craig Barrett, Intel CEO
- "Overall, the benefits of outsourcing for individual companies and their
shareholders have been well documented, but I think a lot of people will
be surprised to see how the benefits could extend across, and strengthen,
the entire economy over the longer term." -- Douglas McWilliams
- "On a long-term basis, I think that by our clients leveraging the
offshore model, they are actually protecting American jobs."
-- Gordon Coburn, Sr. VP and CFO , Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp.
- "Higher-skilled jobs are going away, there are people who will not get
jobs in the industry again -- they just have been replaced."
-- Priscilla Tate, director of the Technology Managers Forum
- "For Microsoft, outsourcing has been a way to temper the expansion
of our work force and reduce management overhead... I hope this keeps
us from growing big in the wrong areas and becoming ineffective
through too much overhead." -- Bill Gates, Microsoft chairman
- "... the fact of the matter is that off-shoring or doing work in
countries where the expertise is deep and the costs lower is a modern
phenomena." -- Ziggy Switkowski, Telstra CEO
- "I think that $7 million figure out there has turned out to be
unhelpful ..." -- Ziggy Switkowski, Telstra CEO, when asked about
his salary package
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their respective owners.
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